Welcome to the 2024 Year 6 School Journey
DAY 3 - Tuesday 21st May
After a much better night's sleep, the children woke this morning raring to go and ready for some new challenges. After a hearty breakfast, the groups set off for abseiling, Jacob's Ladder, fencing and the much awaited zip wire!
The children all had a great go at the abseiling, even some who thought they wouldn't be able to do it. They all agreed that the scarest point was at the start when you had to lean back and get your feet flat on the wall. After that the rest was much easier! Jacob's ladder also proved challenging, with children trying to get as high as they could while the rungs of the ladder got further and further apart. Many of the children had to use the help of 'Barry' to get up to the next level. I will let the children explain who Barry was!
Fencing came at the right time for some groups as the weather today was not as nice as it had been on Monday and for parts of the day we had unwelcomed rain. The children really got into their duals and there were some really close matches.
The zip wire was by far the most enjoyed activity. The children enjoyed flying through the air as they came down and we had some very interesting landings. The trick was to keep running as fast as you could as soon as your feet hit the ground, which was easier said than done. Many of the children enjoyed several goes throughout their session.
This evening, we took part in a PGL tournament of events. There were some great games that we could recreate in the school playground, ten pin bowling, netball shooting game, noughts and crosses and an ice cream cone catch. Some great accuracy and precision was on display during these games.
We are now in the process of packing and tidying up our rooms. For some this appears to be a new thing and their interpretations of tidy and clean are under dispute!!! Wish us Luck.
One more sleep, two more activities and we will be on our way home. See you all tomorrow.
DAY 2 - Monday 20th May
The day started early with some very bleary eyed children and adults. It appears there are no such things as sleep gods and praying last night was not really any use! Hopefully the children will be so tired tonight, what with a fun packed day and warm sunshine, that sleep will come early.
Today the children worked in their three activity groups. Between them, they tried their hands at climbing, archery, orienteering and canoeing. The climbing wall saw some children facing their fears and challenging themselves. Others flew up the wall at the speed of lighting. I had to ask some of them to slow down so we could get a decent photo! The archery was a different challenge, with lots of instructions to follow and a steady hand. A few bullseyes were scored but there were a lot of wayward arrows too. Orienteering sent the children off in small groups all over the site, following their maps and hunting for markers to stamp their cards. Some were a lot more successful when they held the map the right way up!
Canoeing was a great hit with all the children. Whilst some spent a lot of time going round in circles on the pond, they still enjoyed paddling around and taking part in lots of games. By the end of the session we had some great paddlers amongst us. The lovely hot weather also meant they did not mind when they got splashed or they were sat in a wet canoe.
This evening, after yet more food, we took part in some problem solving activities. The children had to listen to instructions and work together to solve problems. It was interesting to see which children worked well together and achieved the end result. Now we prepare for, what will hopefully be, a good night's sleep - ready to tackle what lays ahead tomorrow.
DAY 1 - Sunday 19th May
After a clightly chaotic start to the day, the journey down was uneventful. After several ... 'What time is it Miss Webster?' and 'Are we almost there yet?' we arrived in good time and unloaded all our bags from the coach. We then took a short walk to our accomodation. Most of the children quickly unpacked and got settled before we had a brief talk about the site rules and we took a walk to the fire meeting point (which we hopefully will not have to use!).
On the way to dinner, we had a site tour and the excitment built as the children spotted all the different activities they are going to tackle over the next few days. For dinner, we had a choice of sausage roll, lasagne or veggie fingers, along with chips, vegetables and an array of salad. All very tasty.
Our first activity was a game of frisbee golf. The children had to see how many attempts it took to get their frisbee into special frisbee containers. Some of the children have got very good frisbee actions and some, well they need a bit more practise! The challenge of the trees was also something that needed to be considered. After the activity, some free time was enjoyed. Some children chilled in their rooms, some played on the grass while others mingled with the children from the school nearby playing football and basketball.
Now we are attempting to get some sleep. Staff are praying to the sleep gods and trying to convince the children that they are tired and they do really want to go to sleep. To be honest, I am not sure they are that convinced currently. It could be a long night!
Here's to a fun day tomorrow!
Welcome back to the summer term.
We have lots of exciting activities and events planned for the children this term.
Please see more about our summer term curriculum here and watch this space for photos and information throughout the term.
February 2024
Year 6 have enjoyed using their Design Technology skills to create textiles. This work brings to an end our History unit on the Mayans.
The children used weaving techniques to create a God's Eye - used to symbolise each year of a child's birth, as well as some simple mini loom weaves.
I think they look amazing - well done Year 6
January 2024
Welcome back to a new year in Year 6.
Parent leaflets have been sent home for our new term but they are also available to view if you click here.
October 2023
Take a look at the wonderful work Year 6 have been doing this week in developing their Design Technology skills.