On Thursday 17th November, parents of Year 4 were treated to a terrific show of what their children have been learning this term.

The children began by sharing some of the writing they had been doing. Their first focus was Stories from Other Cultures, and their hook was an animated film called The Catch. In the story, a young fisherboy, has the repsonsibility of feeding the tribe, but can only catch tiddlers from the small pond near his village, because it is half empty. Hearing a fox yelp from the bushes, he carefully sets it free. The cheeky fox then steals the fisherman's catch and heads off into the dark, forbidding forest. Nervously the boy pursues, and is led to a huge lake full of enormous fish. Helping the boy, by providing a stick for a rod, the fox waits while the boy makes his catch. Before they part company, the boy throws a small fish to the fox as a reward, whereupon the fox disappears into the sky. Was it real, or just a spirit? The chidlren used some fantastic vocabulary to write the build up to the story. This was followed by some autumn poetry where they had been learning to use alliteration, rhyme, similes, pattern and powerful vocabulary. Again they shared some of their creations with us.

The term's focus in humanities has been Foootsteps Around the World, where we have looked at the continents of Africa, Australasia and Europe. Starting with Africa, we created a powerpoint presentation of an Africac country, finding out about its climate, population, traditions and some of its culture. We then moved on to find out about James Cook's discovery of Australia and thought about how the different groups involved: explorers, convicts and aborigines would have felt about the changes that followed. 

In science the topic for the first half term was States of Matter and the children had great fun pretending to be atoms of each type of state, before wowing their audience with a song which reminds them of their learning.

The children were so exctied to share what they had learned and the audience were very impressed with their knowledge.

Well done Year 4 - keep it up!