On Friday 7th October, year 4 held their class assembly in front of the school and parents. The children presented work they had been doing so far this term.

The start of term coincided with what would have been Roald Dahl's 100th birthday, so everyone had written a synopsis of their favourite Roald Dahl book, drawn their favourite character and written about why they liked that particular character. Six children presented their work and the stories of The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Twits, George's Marvellous Medicine and Fantastic Mr Fox were featured.

In literacy the children are looking at 'Stories from Other Cultures' and have written setting and character descriptions based on what they have read and seen. They have been trying to improve their vocabulary and start their sentences in different ways and this has led to some fabulous writing being produced. Some of this is shown in the slide show below.

Their topic of Footsteps Around the World will take them to Africa, Australasia and Europe, where they will be finding out about the geography and some of the history of countries within those continents.The children have created a fact file of an African country and some of these were presented to the audience. They have also drawn pictures of animals or a landmark from one of the continents and these are currently decorating the corridor outside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms. In the assembly the children held a sound quiz, where the animal noises of a kiwi, cobra, elephant and kangaroo were played. The audience had no trouble in distinguishing the first three, but the kangaroo was a bit more difficult!

In our Sound topic in science the children have learned how sound is made, and how to change the pitch and volume of a sound.These were demonstrated in the assembly using a glokenspiel. They have also made their own guitars, thinking about how the pitch of the notes changed when they used different sized elastic bands, but also when they had a bigger box. We were also lucky to have Mr Hornett, a year 3 parent, come and talk to us about his job as a sound engineer, which the children thoroughly enjoyed.

Although we have only been back in school for 5 weeks, we have learned an awful lot already as our assembly showed. The finale was a song all about reading as without this skill we would not have been able to produce the work that we have. 


