Great Fire of London Day

Our topic this term is Eye on London. The children have been learning all about London and have particularly enjoyed learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’. On Monday we had a Great Fire of London workshop. The hall was set out as Pudding Lane, where the fire had started. There were different activities the children could take part in which included:

Barber Surgeons, Apothecaries, Leather Workers, Chandlers, and Weavers.

While the children were taking part in their activities some children were chosen to act out different parts of the event such as putting out the fire, or collecting and killing the rats. All the children were completely engaged and took on their responsibilities very seriously. They had to be responsible for putting out the fire and pass a bucket to each other quickly before the fire got worse. This was an experience the children will never forget and it helped enhance what they already knew about the fire and also taught them many more facts that they didn't know.