"Competing is exciting and winning is exhilarating, but the true prize will always be the self-knowledge and understanding that you have gained along the way."   Sebastian Coe

At Ladbrooke JMI School, PE and sport are integral parts of the curriculum.  The curriculum has been designed to ensure ALL pupils are inspired to have physically active lifestyles now and in the future.  Our high quality delivery allows for the development of fundamental skills in a wide range of activities which will ensure our children recognise their own knowledge and  understanding and above all else enjoy physical activity and achieve success.

Success and skills

Participation and competition

Opportunities, Enjoyment, Inspiration

Respect and Fair Play

Team Work and Commitment  Slide9

All children have access to at least two hours of physical activity each week. In partnership with our external provider we ensure that the progression of skills throughout each year group is well planned and consistent. Children have one lesson with a Challenge Sport and Education specialist P.E. teacher and a further hour lesson with their own class teacher. This approach not only ensures that children experience a range of P.E. opportunities but also that all teachers continue to develop their knowledge and skills to deliver enjoyable lessons.

Our curriculum focuses on children developing the knowledge, skills and understanding of their own bodies and capabilities and how they can use them to participate in a range of increasingly challenging physical activities. We hope that all children leave Ladbrooke with an understanding of the importance, benefits and enjoyment of physically active lifestyles and the desire to stay active for life.  

Assessment is carried out continuously against our Key Skills targets. We recognise that children acquire P.E. skills in a variety of different ways and at different levels of personal ability. Our curriculum therefore is fully inclusive for all children - from the acquisition of key physical developmental milestones through active play in our excellent Early Years Foundation Stage to the ability to use their skills to represent the school in competitive sport.

Swimming is an important part of the curriculum and we are fortunate to have high quality facilities locally. Children in Year 3 and 4 receive swimming lessons and the vast majority of our children become confident swimmers in a range of strokes.


P.E. and Sport Premium

The government has indicated its commitment to quality P.E. provision in primary schools by allocating additional funding to all primary schools.

The funding must be used to:

1. Develop or add to the P.E. and sport activities that schools already provide.

2. Build capacity and capability within schools to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.

We have published details of how we have spent this money here. 

Highlights include spending on:

  • Increased active club opportunities
  • Staff development programme to maintain and enhance current high level provision 
  • Investment in quality resources to support quallity lessons 
  • Provision of new playground equipment
  • Development of playtime activities and games
  • Infrastructure to encourage children to travel to school by active methods - including bike and scooter racks
  • Increased numbers of both girls and boys in school team training

Many of our children participate in activities outside of school and we regularly celebrate their achievements at our whole school assemblies.  In addition to our curriculum provision we also encourage active participation in our extra curricular clubs. Information about these clubs can be found here.

As part of our whole provision our children also have the opportunity in Years 4 and 6 to participate in residential activity trips. During these very memorable excursions all children are given access to adventurous outdoor activities in safe yet challenging situations. For many these trips are one of the highlights of their primary school experience.