At Ladbrooke we are always looking to extend and improve the range of clubs and opportunities we offer the children. Below is the current range of clubs we are offering. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions regarding these.

 Club Day Who for When Where Run by Cost
Good Morning Club  Monday-Friday  R-Y6  07.45-08.45 

Mon-Fri - New Build 

Rhythmix Academy of Dance

£5 per session paid/daily/weekly/termly

After School Club




New Build

Mrs Alam & Mrs Smith

£5 per hour paid/daily/weekly/termly

Multi-Skills  Tuesday  Y1-Y2 15.15-16.15  Field/Hall  Challenge Sport  £3 per session paid termly
Multi-Skills Wednesday  Y3-Y5  15.15-16.15  Field/Hall  Challenge Sport  £3 per session paid termly
Boys Football  Thursday  Y5-Y6 15.15-16.15  Field/Hall  Mr Ward   Free
Netball  Thursday   Y4-Y6 07.45-08.45  KS2 playground/Hall  Mrs Romain Free 
Badminton Friday Y5 & Y6 07.45-08.45 Hall Mr Winchester Mrs Barnet  Free
French Club Infants Friday FS2 Y1 & Y2 12.30-13.00 classroom  LCF London Paid directly to the company (termly booking 
Girls' Football  Friday  Y5-Y6  15.15-16.15  Field  Challenge Sport Free 
Street Dance  Friday 


15.15-16.15 Hall  Challenge Sport  £3 per session paid termly