Dear Earth
July 2023
This half term we have been learning about Planet Earth. We started by finding out about different environments, including deserts. rainforests, and oceans.
All our books were about how beautiful the Earth is and how we can keep it clean and healthy.
We learned that plastic in the sea can be harmful to animals, so we made our classroom into an underwater scene with fish and whales made from recycled plastic bottles.

Listen up Nursery!
December 2022
The process of learning to read starts in nursery.
We begin by practising our listening skills - the children loved the listening walk we took around the school.
We heard loud and quiet voices, a photocopier, birds singing, aeorplanes and even the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.
We also play lots of games that include rhyming, identifying words with the same initial sounds and clapping or using instruments to pick out syllables in words.
During story time, we exlore the language used and discuss the meanings of words. Our favourite books this term have included The Colour Monster, Little Rabbit Foo Foo and Stick Man.