Well our school journey has finally started.  The coach journey was a quiet and calm affair until the last half an hour when the children decided that it would be a brilliant idea to recreate the music recital from Thursday evening.  At some points however, the back of the coach were singing a completely different song to the front of coach giving the eardrums a very interesting sensation.  Fortunately the coach driver didn't seem to mind too much and it did make the last half an hour of the journey go very quickly.

Once we arrived at the PGL site, we unloaded the coach and the children carried their bags to their rooms.  There was very little chance to unpack as we headed straight into dinner.  There were a range of choices and a very nice salad bar so all the children found something they liked.  Some children were not as hungry as others though as they had munched their way through a mound of snacks on the coach on the way down!  After dinner, there was time for the children to return to their rooms and unpack before a quick tour of the site and a first look as some of the activities they will be doing.  Once this was complete there was some freetime.  For a lot of the children freetime meant rushing to the field to play a game of football.  We played for at least half an hour before losing the ball in a pile of stinging nettles!  A couple of long planks and some good thinking soon rescued it though and the game continued.  Other children sat in their rooms chatting while others made the most of the lovely weather to sit outside.  Mrs Corke even led an impromptu art lesson as some of the children had brought sketchbooks and notebooks to draw in.

This evening the children all went to the camp fire, where they learnt new songs and some nifty dance moves to go with them.  I think the earlier warm up on the coach meant the children were ready to belt out the songs and impressed the PGL leaders.

All that is left now is getting the children into their rooms and asleep at some point.  Wish us luck!


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